Friday, 9 December 2011

Our Animal Co-habitants

In the invisible undercurrents of the planet, there are many mysterious happenings. It is humbling sometimes as a psychic, to receive messages from some of these unexpected but compelling sources. Before I became a psychic I had vague notions about an intelligence which included beings different than ourselves but this was mostly intellectual and based on assumptions I had from my catholic upbringing.

Once I began reading people professionally it was if the entire planet noticed I was there and began speaking to me. There are many stories, but I will cite a few just to give you some insight into what surrounds us everyday that we may over look.
I was giving a reading to a woman at a café where I do readings on occasion. She told me that psychics had difficulty reading her and I suggested that perhaps I shouldn't read her if she felt that way. I feel that clients should have positive feelings regarding readers otherwise it can make the reading difficult. She said no she liked the looks of me and so we began. It was going well and near the end of the reading, I noticed a dog outside tied up who was waging his tail and staring at me through the window. I felt love emanating from the animal. I asked the woman if the dog was hers' she beamed at me and said oh yes and I love my dog. I felt strangely drawn to this animal and at that point heard from the dog very loudly, Paris France someone is coming from Paris. I blurted this information out and the woman's jaw dropped, it turns out her best friend was arriving from Paris France the next day. She and myself were flabbergasted at the information. I didn't tell her it was her dog (who was smiling and wagging his tail the entire time) who told me this through telepathy

Our animals love us so much and know what we do and how we are feeling. I have read many stories where a beloved pet rescues his/her human friend. Notice how often our pets stay close to us when we are ill or depressed, they know and want us to feel better. The more we love and treat our animal friends with the respect they deserve and not as a subordinate to be enslaved and mistreated, just watch how they glow with infinite intelligence

Animals are very sensitive, this includes animals in the wild. Everything has a purpose here on planet earth and we need animals and the natural world in its wild state if we are to survive into the next millennium. During meditation I have received telepathic information that the song of whales helps to keep the planet in orbit around the sun. Recently I was lying in bed early in the morning one spring and my helpers showed me the colors emanating from a robin when she sings in the spring time and how important this sound is to help the plants start growing.
In my own human smallness I could only contemplate the complex intricacies that must occur every moment in nature where this mysterious system is completely dependant on each and every living member possibly right down to the throbbing dance of subatomic particles. It seems there is a flowing, pulsing symphony going on which we humans are barely aware of. 

Lorraine Hughes © 2008

1 comment:

  1. This might seem random that someone you don't even know is posting on a 5-year old blogpost, but I just wanted to say it's really lovely. I very often feel that we underestimate animals from large to small. The last sentence about the flowing, pulsing symphony also really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing!
