Friday, 9 December 2011

Positive Thinking

There has been so much written on this topic one thinks to themselves what could I possibly add (that might be original) to this already enormous mountain of thought. It is however something I have put a lot of research into because with all that has been written and discussed you would think the earth would be like heaven, with everyone radiating positivity by the truckloads. Alas it is not so, we have a lot to learn as a species.

First of all to think positively is good for your health. When we try to be positive we actually radiate these good vibes and connect with the universal mind energy, which is pure love and intelligence. There was a healer from the U.K. who died in the late 1990's by the name of Betty Shine who could see the human aura very clearly. As she advanced in her healing practice she began to notice a energy halo or balloon like shape over people's crown chakra (this is the chakra right on the very top of our heads). When people were ill this halo would depress inwards towards the person, as they got healthier Betty noticed the halo would expand outwards.

Some quotes from Betty's book Mind Magic:

"How does it feel when you are positive? There is one word for it: powerful. Why do you feel powerful? Because the thought process has reversed the direction of your mind energy which is now expanding, linking up to the cosmic forces. The more positive you are the more energy you are absorbing.

I am not writing a chapter on negativity because we all have so much of it. We don't need any encouragement to go under when things are bad. Its an entirely natural reaction and in fact we need those negative times in order to maintain a balance.

The trouble is negativity is difficult to reverse. But once we feel our verve and electricity returning, we want more and more of it, so the mind energy continues to expand and revive. As I said at the beginning of this book if you want to keep healthy, try to think positively at all time. At best a ratio of 70% positive and 30% ( most people are doing the reverse).

It is balancing the negative and positive so you are on an even keel that is difficult, but once you begin to study the process and make it work, it is fascinating, absorbing and beautiful. There will be a feeling of fulfillment never before experienced. So how can this be accomplished? The first step is to is to limit yourself to 5 minutes of negative thought at a time - then switch off.

This is extremely difficult but something you have to do, for unless you do it your thought processes will control you, not the other way around. With a disciplined mind you are in control. Practicing gratitude is a great way to overcome negative thought, look how well you are doing already."

My own experiences confirm what Betty Shine is talking about here, when I am in channel I feel pure positive light energy flooding my system, as the reading is drawing to a close and I am finished I feel this intense energy leave me. However I know how healing this energy is so I try to cultivate positivity whenever I can.
We need help to accomplish our goals, when we are more positive we vibrate at a higher frequency. In doing so we join up with other positive vibes out there so that our goals and ideas can be more easily accomplished as we are link up with other like-minded souls. A mutually supportive resonance is created, as if we were riding the crest of a wave. Suddenly things start happening, supporting our endeavors. Serendipity, chance encounters that feel fated. Similar events happen for negative thoughts, just in the opposite direction. Where do you want your energy to go?

A friend and I were discussing this very phenomena one day over coffee. She is a scientist and was telling me about a physicist she met who told her of an interesting occurrence which happened in a lab when he was an undergraduate at Cambridge. He was assisting a physicist with an experiment where a photographic plate is being bombarded with electrons. He said to her, you know our energy has an effect on the outcome of the experiment anyway, which has an impact on the results. She said yes that's true do you want to see something really interesting, she told him to go and stand down next to the photographic plate and think of something really negative that makes you mad, watch what happens. The young student did as he was told and watched the plate, apparently the experiment hardly happened, not very many effects were noted. Then she told him to go back down there and think of something that makes you really happy, the young student thought positively and watched as she bombarded the plate. Not only did the experiment happen but there were rainbow colours that were noted.

In conclusion its better for you in ways you might never have imagined to try as best you can to think positively, not only for yourself but in doing so makes the planet a better place to live for the rest of us! 

Lorraine Hughes © 2008

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy I came across your card today in a Toronto cafe, which in turn led me to your blog posts. I have been having rough day thinking about finances, life… my path and it was tough to shake these thoughts. I wish I had seen this when I woke up rather than 10pm, but I say, better late than never. Thank you again!
